Projekt pn.: „Energia słoneczna w gminie Rudnik - czyste środowisko”, współfinansowany w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Lubelskiego na lata 2014-2020, Oś Priorytetowa 4 Energia przyjazna środowisku, Działanie 4.1 Wsparcie wykorzystania OZE

51 miesięcy

Czas od uruchomienia pierwszej instalacji


Zainstalowane kolektory

511,8 MWh

Zaoszczędzona energia

3,34 ha

Zachowane lasy

699,48 ton

Zachowane złoża węgla

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Online Casinos That Accept Neteller

Online casinos that accept Neteller allow players to play various casino games. Some even feature live dealer action. Choose Neteller as your preferred banking option in the cashier section on an online gambling website. Money is instantly transferred to the casino,...

How to Pick the Right Slot Machine For Your Needs

A slot machine, also called a berry machine, slotmachine, the pugs, fruit machines, slots or poker machines, is a mechanical gambling device that creates a game of fortune for its users. It follows that however many times you spin the slots, you will never have the...

These are the most effective tips to play slot machines A slot machine, also called the fruit machines or pugs, slot machines, the multi-slots, slots or fruit machines, is an electronic gambling device that creates a game of luck for its users. It is similar to a coin...

What are the top slots online? Online slot machines are an excellent opportunity to earn lots of money. It is possible to have the thrill of Vegas at home with top-rated slot machines. If you've been dreaming of hitting the big jackpot, you're just a click away from...

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